The HOPE course is designed by Macmillan and Coventry University and stands for Helping Overcome Problems Effectively.  It offers the chance to try different ways to rediscover your strengths and overcome the emotional and practical challenges of life after cancer.  Sharing your thoughts and experiences with other people on the course can be very supportive and much of the benefit and learning comes from this mutual support.
The course is run over 2 days.  Each day runs from 10 am to 4 pm and refreshments and lunch are provided.  There are regular breaks throughout the day, but the course is very relaxed so people are able to stretch or take a further break if needed.

The course is aimed at those who have finished their cancer treatment but we are not strict on this aspect.

If you need any further information, please contact Lynne O’Brien on 07771 345 710 or at

HOPE Course